Wednesday 29 April 2015

Rivaland Princess Enzyme Review

All photo credits: Rakuten


Would be absence from blogging be considered a hiatus? 0.0

Anyhow, this would be actually multiple post regarding this enzyme that I have decided to try out today. I would think that I would add on the following link to the next continuous post regarding this mini diet drink. To say it's a diet drink may not be the best description, since it is more of a substance that regulates the metabolism while also helping one to lose weight?

I bought and received this in the mail the other day from Tenso but from the Rivaland store from Rakuten. What I bought was three bottles of princess enzymes and they gave out 2 meals of their pasta grain pastas: seaweed flavor (jyunshin wakame) and spicy Korean soup flavor (passionate yukke jyan). I plan to record daily posts regarding the prccess and whether or not I would lose weight rather than writing a big posts for further insight.

Rivaland claims that they have two diets that one can follow to lose weight. I am currently trying the second one where you replace one meal with the enzyme drink and still eating my other two meals rather than fasting. I do hope to lose 3kg! Because who knows if such a drink can do what it claims, despite the many purchases from Japan, I think such a "miracle" drink should be tried out for my own purposes. 

If you would like to see more of my review and experience of this enzyme drink, follow up here.^^
I will also try their pasta which would be commented on in the same link. 


Link for more info: rivaland.

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