Wednesday 29 April 2015

Rivaland Princess Enzyme Review

All photo credits: Rakuten


Would be absence from blogging be considered a hiatus? 0.0

Anyhow, this would be actually multiple post regarding this enzyme that I have decided to try out today. I would think that I would add on the following link to the next continuous post regarding this mini diet drink. To say it's a diet drink may not be the best description, since it is more of a substance that regulates the metabolism while also helping one to lose weight?

I bought and received this in the mail the other day from Tenso but from the Rivaland store from Rakuten. What I bought was three bottles of princess enzymes and they gave out 2 meals of their pasta grain pastas: seaweed flavor (jyunshin wakame) and spicy Korean soup flavor (passionate yukke jyan). I plan to record daily posts regarding the prccess and whether or not I would lose weight rather than writing a big posts for further insight.

Rivaland claims that they have two diets that one can follow to lose weight. I am currently trying the second one where you replace one meal with the enzyme drink and still eating my other two meals rather than fasting. I do hope to lose 3kg! Because who knows if such a drink can do what it claims, despite the many purchases from Japan, I think such a "miracle" drink should be tried out for my own purposes. 

If you would like to see more of my review and experience of this enzyme drink, follow up here.^^
I will also try their pasta which would be commented on in the same link. 


Link for more info: rivaland.

Saturday 7 February 2015

Food/Drink: Healthy Yam & Banana Smoothie Recipe

         This technically should be my first official post of 2015, but well, I've been finishing up on other posts for school... Either how, I thought I would like to share this amazing recipe that I just happen to really like. It's a smoothie!

One of my goals for this year is to lose weight. But then again, I say that to myself every year and I end up forgetting perhaps three months after the goal and ha, what weight have I lost. Anyhow, this smoothie is healthy considering my titles and has the possibilities of leaving you slightly full depending, satisfying your cravings. ;) Besides, the difficulty level of smoothie can't be that hard. It's an easy one, this recipe, I tell you.

Yam, from what my family tells me, helps constipation for those who need it, and otherwise, just really good for our bodies. (Excusing that all sweet potatoes/yams/potatoes all cause human bodies to let out gas, ahem). It's a carbohydrate but one that has enough fiber/re that help flush out toxins.

Nonetheless, here are the ingredients.

-1 cup/250mL of milk (any type should be fine even semi-sweet, I used almond milk)
-1/2 a boiled yam (can be substituted by a sweet potato)
- 1 banana (size to your preference)
-1 small handfuls of blueberries ( I used iced ones since I had some leftover)

Materials: Blender ( I own a magic bullet)


1. Warm up the yam with hot water for easier peeling afterwards ( I did this since my yam was leftover from the fridge)
2. Peel the yam skin.
3. Add all ingredients into blender including milk.
Optional: Add cinnamon powder (for dieting purposes ;)
4. Blend well and serve.

For those who would like to see the really short video that I made regarding this recipe, click video. Or just watch below, if you don't wanna see it in a new tab. Do excuse my editing skills and shortness of it, it is my first video :p (And yes, the quality probably sucks a bit, since I did edit and film on my phone).


Personal thoughts on the recipe:

Texture: Smooth -> When you drink it, it feels like there are more ingredients to it? Like perhaps add more yogurt or something, but the texture is the real smooth for me.

Appearance: The smoothie does seem kind of dark, half way when editing the video,my smoothie looked ultra dark as if evil/poison at some point. But the taste says otherwise! :D I would not kill myself with a smoothie :X

Taste: It's simply delicious? Well, whenever I make food/drinks for myself it always tastes great. But I like how your practically eat a yam and some fruits without eating it (perfect if your teeth hurt or liquid diet). The yam taste isn't all too distracting in the smoothie and tastes better than kale if you ask me. ^^

Perhaps I may share a few recipes every now and then, it doesn't hurt to share my love for food <3

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